Saturday, March 20, 2010

a phone call....

i was engrossed watching the television with my brother till then my mother's phone rang... it's my aunt calling from kk said that my other aunt is in hospital now.. in ICU.. hmmm sound serious.. so, my brother, my mother and i quickly dash out into the hospital. we had to walk along 200 meter before we arrive at the wad. My legs are hurting so much since i'm using high heels which i'm still not getting used to it. unfortunately, they want to take a stairs rather than using lif.. aarrgghh.. it's only adding my pain..

when we arrive at the 2nd floor, we almost get lost to find the room. i can see that there's a group, an old women group wearing white baju kurung.. all of them.. they were looking for my aunt's room too.. we're looking up and down and finally,, we found the room.. there's a big text on the wall near the door "HIGH DEPENDENCY UNIT"..

my mother and i waiting for our turn to get in the room since the nurse only allow 2 visitors at one time. but i,, i was trying to stand the pain.. not my leg.. but it's stomach-ache right now.. it's getting pain and pain and suffer me a lot..

i went to the room and i can saw that there's so many tube and all that machine. my aunt was the only patient there.. i was hoping that she will get well soon..

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